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Friday, September 18, 2009
Alcohol-free Beer For Muslim?
Selalunya apabila kita mengatakan mengenai "beer" sudah pasti ramai di antara kita yang tahu bahwa ia mengandungi alkohol. Dan sudah pasti agama kita meharamkan kita dari meminum minuman ini.
Baru-baru ini, Nur sendiri terbaca satu artikel yang menyebarkan mengenai perniangaan sepasang suami isteri di Manchester yang telah mewujudkan ataupun mencipta produk yang unik serta menjualnya secara maya (online). Salah satu produk yang dihasilkan adalah alcohol-free beer.
Mereka mendakwa, produk beer dan wine yang dicipta oleh mereka itu bebas dari alkohol dan halal untuk di minum oleh semua org yang beragama islam. Kerana sebelum ini, beer hanya boleh diminum oleh org yang bukan islam sahaja. Menurut artikel itu juga, beer dan wine itu telah di sediakan dalam berbagai jenis.
Selain itu juga, Nur ada terbaca artikel yang lain, iaitu sebuah syarikat dari Iran, Malaysian Iranian Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (MICSB), pemegang hak eksklusif bagi pengedaran minuman beer tanpa alkohol jenama ‘Istak’ dari Iran, bakal membuka sebuah kilang di negara ini dengan pelaburan hampir RM50 juta.
Ermm, terfikir juga Nur, berapa banyak yang perlu mereka laburkan untuk bisinis seperti ini. Semata-mata untuk menarik minat org islam di negara kita.
Menurut artikel itu lagi, beer yang di panggil dengan nama "ISTAK" itu dikatakan mengandungi vitamin kerana dihasilkan melalui barli yang diperam dan ya juga boleh menambahkan tenaga, membakar lemak dan mencegah dari penyakit batu karang.
Apa yang ingin Nur sampaikan di sini adalah, kita masyarakat yang beragama islam, sejak sekian lama telah mem'program'kan ataupun menanam kan di minda kita bahawa minuman beer ataupun wine itu adalah haram untuk di minum. Lagipun, bentuk botol nya sahaja sudah serupa dengan betuk asal minuman beer yang beralkohol. Tambahan pula nama "beer" ini sendiri sudah pasti akan menambahkan kekeliruan di kalangan orang islam terutama sekali budak- budak kecil yang baru ingin mengenali dunia luar.
Oleh itu, bagi Nur, biarlah minuman itu ditukar kepada nama yang lain dan bentuk asal minuaman itu di ubah agar tidak menyerupai bentuk asal minuman yang beralkohol itu. Sebelum terlambat, fikirkan2lah, bahawa kekeliruan itu nanti akan memusnahkan anak sesama islam kita sendiri.
Berikut Nur sertakan Fatwa dari negara singapore untuk rujukan bersama :
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu
BEWARE the "wolf in sheep's clothes". I know this may be a common drink in some areas, but the so-called "non-alcoholic beer" does contain alcohol. (plus it looks like jahiliya to have a Muslim sipping from a beer bottle anyway.)
Alhamdulillah Allah (SWT) blessed us with uncountable delicious HALAL drinks let's avoid this one.
1 Details of Fatwa
Title of Fatwa Non-Alcoholic Beer
Date of Reply 12/Jul/2003
Topic Of Fatwa Foods & Drinks
Question of Fatwa
Dear scholars, As-Salamu `alaykum. My husband drinks non-alcoholic beer with the intention of not thinking of it as beer, but I believe it is haram. Can you please give us an opinion on this? Jazakum Allah khayran.
Name of Mufti IOL Shari`ah Researchers
Content of Reply
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Dear sister in Islam, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you place in us, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake.
The basic ruling on food and drink is that things are halal except for those which are specifically described in Shari`ah as being haram, such as alcoholic drinks. It was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Every intoxicating substance is haram." (Narrated by al-Bukhari) And it was narrated that `A'ishah said:
"The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: `Every intoxicating substance is haram, and whatever intoxicates in large amounts, a handful of it is haram.'" (Narrated by at-Tirmidhi).
Focusing more on the question in point, we'd like to cite the following relevant fatwa:
"Non-alcoholic beer is haram because although it is claimed that it is alcohol free, it does have some alcohol in it. We checked with beer manufacturersand confirmed that non-alcoholic beers do have a minimum amount of alcohol in them because during the manufacturing process, a small amount of alcohol is unavoidable. Also, we checked the matter from the legal perspective and found that U.S. law (and probably European law, too), allows beer manufacturers to claim that it is alcohol free if it contains less than one percent alcohol.
We wish all Muslims were aware of this fact and if they are not, then we should make this known through the proper educational and media channels."
Allah Almighty knows best.
2 Details of Fatwa
Title of Fatwa Non-Alcoholic Beer: Prohibited?
Date of Reply 25/Dec/2005
Topic Of Fatwa Foods & Drinks
Question of Fatwa
Is non-alcoholic beer halal? Can Muslims consume it?
Name of Mufti Islamic Religious Council of Singapore
Content of Reply
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Thanks for your question, and we implore Allah to guide us all to the best way through which we can learn more about what is lawful in order to follow it and what is prohibited in order to refrain from approaching it.
Indeed, Muslims need to understand the process of making so-called non-alcoholic beers or wines. The process to make alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers and wines is the same. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers and wines are haram. Once the beer or the wine is produced, alcohol is extracted from it to make it non-alcoholic. Never is 100 percent of the alcohol removed. The Islamic principle is that if the whole of a thing is haram, the part of it is also haram. By that principle non-alcoholic beers and wines are haram.
Responding to the question, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, states the following:
Our position is that non-alcoholic beer is not halal. Our position is based on the premise that.
1. It is drunk as an alternative to something which is haram, that is, alcoholic beer.
2. The culture of wine and beer drinking which the drink entails is non-Islamic and, therefore, haram.
Therefore, based on the principle of blocking the doors to transgression in Islamic jurisprudence, non-alcoholic beer is haram.
"To God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. Whether you show what is in your own selves or conceal it, God will call you to account for it. Then He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills, for God is Able to do all things." (Qur'an 2:284).
Kesimpulan nya di sini, bagi diri Nur, beer yang didakwa halal dan bebas alkohol itu tetap juga haram jika mengikut Fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Mufti Singapura itu.
Anda semua, adakah masih ragu2 lagi? Tepuk dada tanyalah selera. sekian.
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btol 2 setuju dgn pndpt nur..seharusnya nme product itu ditukar kpd nme yg baik2 yg tidk menimbulkan was2 pd pengguna islam terutama bdk2 kecil. lg 1, walopn kte tahu air itu halal ttp setiap kali hndk beli dan minum, akn menimbulkan wasangka.krn product maknn & minumn boleh diciplak.takut ade yg wat dajal. was2 akn menjurus kpd haram..xrugi pn kalo xminum air 2..
Sbb itu lah Nur merasakan wlupun mereka kata produk tu dh halal tp stil lagi Nur ragu2 memandangkan dtgnyer air itu dr benda yg haram juga (process). Bg Nur, biarlah kta kekurangan sejenis mnman dr meminum benda yg x halal.
jauhkan ajer aper2 yg menghampiri beer tu, klu yer pun gi kedai mmk mnm x yah gi tmpt maksiat claim mnm mnmn halal.. buat cover org muslim utk join tmpt2 cam tu... lm2 ader bar, pub , rumah urut for Muslim plk???
erm..itulah, lbh baek xyah ade benda2 yg gitu. Apatah lg benda yg menyerupai benda yg x halal..blh terkompius d bwat nyer.
Moga2, xde lah tmpt2 yg mcm tu.. Jgn dihalalkan benda2 yg mmg dh haram nih.
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